
Young JNF is set for party season relaunch


JNF is to relaunch its programme for young people with a Purim party in the West End of London on Saturday.

Other events planned by Young JNF, which will replace JNF Future, include a sponsored skydive to mark the JNF's 110th anniversary in May and a baby fair for young mothers in June.

"This is one of the first times I have decided to get involved in this kind of activity," said Jackie Forster from Shenley, a member of the committee for 27-35-year-olds. "The work JNF is doing and looking to do in Israel is inspiring."

Amy Klimer from West Hampstead is on the committee for 21-26-year-olds. "JNF's Zionist history and heritage is unrivalled and it feels great to be able to play a small part of that," she explained.

Also planned is a patrons scheme to encourage young professionals to make small monthly contributions.

Acting JNF chief executive David Goodman said the Young JNF relaunch was "an exciting way of engaging with the community, ensuring that there are multiple ways for individuals to play a critical part in the 21st century Zionist mission of continuing to support the state of Israel."

JNF - which bills itself as "the leading Israel charity in the UK" - has recently trimmed its administration, shutting down regional offices and its UK education department to focus on its development work in the Negev.

But it has some way to go to catch the UJIA. According to its 2009 accounts, JNF sent £4.1 million to Israel. In the same year, UJIA spent £8.6 million on Israel programmes.

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