
Toy convoy heading to the Ukraine from batmizvah girl


Children in Tikva homes in Odessa, Ukraine, will benefit from the batmitzvah of Noa Sperber, who is asking guests to donate toys.

The Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue member and Haberdashers pupil has responded to an appeal by Project Chesed for toys, disposable nappies and baby wipes for deprived Jewish children.

“When I started preparing for my batmitzvah, I decided I wanted to do something for charity,” said Noa, 12. “I realised how lucky I was that my parents were able to make a party for me and I wanted to do something to make others happy. Tikva provides children with a safe place to live, food and education which they desperately need.”

Noa has also twinned her batmitzvah with a girl at Tikva and will be helping to pack the toys bound for Odessa.
In support of the the scheme, over 30 United synagogues will have a box in their buildings where supporters can leave toys and nappies.

Project Chesed director Candice Woolfson said: “I think what Noa has done is fantastic and the response from her guests has been great. Lots of shuls are on board but we’d like to encourage more — and they don’t have to be United. It can really make a difference.”

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