
Londoner receives death threats


Swastikas and death threats have been spray-painted across the front of an east Londoner's house.

Yisro'el Shalom discovered the graffiti when leaving his Plaistow home to travel to the Shabbat service at the Settlement Synagogue, Stepney.

Mr Shalom, who wears tzizit and a kippah, has lived in Newham for 20 years. He claimed he frequently encountered verbal abuse and threats.

"There is lots of antisemitism here. I have been kicked to the ground, spat at in the streets and been called a murderer and a terrorist.

"I try and keep my head down. I can deal with the stuff on the street but I can't walk away from my house. It's my comfort zone and they know where I live. I couldn't bear for my grandchildren to see this."

His rabbi, Maurice Michaels, was horrified. "The community is frightened for him. You don't expect to find yourself coming up against this. We live in London in 2011, not Germany in the 1930s."

Newham police said it was being treated as a racial incident.

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