
He's so highly motivated


A Western Marble Arch Synagogue member who has less than five per cent vision has raised almost £12,000 for charity by scaling Mount Kilimanjaro.

Jonathan Abro did the climb in support of RP Fighting Blindness, which is attempting to find a cure for retinitus pigmentosa, the condition he has.

"It's been a dream to do the climb for a very long time," said Mr Abro, who was joined on the fundraiser by his partner Annie Cobb. "It was my 50th birthday this year and I thought that would be a good way to celebrate."

The descent in particular had been "tremendously difficult for a person like me with no vision, no depth perception - and it was dark. My guides were having to tell me where exactly to put my feet."

But it had been "the most incredible adventure you could wish to go on".

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