
Bus link is backed by Boris


An intervention by Boris Johnson has prompted a potential U-turn by Transport for London over a direct bus link between Golders Green and Stamford Hill.

In June, TfL announced that it “could not justify the cost of introducing a direct service”. However, it has now agreed to a request from the mayor to reconsider extending the 210 bus route.

A spokesman for Mr Johnson said: “He has listened to voices advocating such a link and, although no commitment has been made, he is keen for TfL to explore all options.”

Leaders of the strictly Orthodox community have hailed the rethink.

Agudas Israel Housing Association chief executive Ita Symons said: “There is so much traffic from schools, businesses and service users between Golders Green and Stamford Hill and a new route will be a big help to a lot of people.”

At the London Jewish Forum, Alexander Goldberg said a direct link was “vital. For years the bus service from Golders Green has terminated at Finsbury Park leaving thousands of passengers each day waiting for a link.

“The flow of schoolchildren and adults has increased greatly between the two Jewish communities as the strictly Orthodox community has grown in Barnet.”

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