
Nyman on the road to recovery


Lara Nyman marked her return from injury with an impressive performance at the BUCS Cyclo-Cross Championships.

Having broken her scaphoid whilst track cycling in August, Nyman, who is still receiving physiotherapy, pitted herself against top riders from universities around the country at Durham University Cycling Club.

A quality field of 89 riders fought it out for the right to be crowned champion. On a borrowed bike and in her first- ever attempt at cyclo-cross, Nyman was placed first woman for her university and a remarkable fifth individual placing enabled Birmingham University to lift the women's bronze team medal.

This is her second British Universities and Colleges Sport cycling medal, having won gold in the team 10-mile time trial earlier this year.

Nyman of Hatch End also won top prize of £1,000 for her university in the roller-racing challenge. She completed 500m on the roller-racing machine, over a minute faster than the next woman.

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