
Cock-up, not conspiracy

May 07, 2009 14:25

Yes, yes, it was lovely to see both Arsenal and Chelsea booted out (especially as Chelsea lost to my second favourite team).

The idea seems to have taken hold that the referee last night was in some ways carrying out UEFA orders to avoid a second all English final.

Last night's match thought was proof that, when it comes to cock-up versus conspiracy, it's almost always a cock-up. How do those who think Chelsea were beaten by a UEFA conspiracy explain the fact that the ref wrongly sent off a Barcelona player? If he'd been trying to force a Barcelona win, the last thing he would have done is send off a Barcelona player, especially when there was no cause to send anyone off.

The fact is Chelsea were beaten by a useless idiot. Conspiracy had nothing to do with it.

May 07, 2009 14:25

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