Man apologises for berating chasidic boy's haircut in viral video

'Had to really let my son know how i felt about the whole Jewish Haircut,' he said at the time

May 9, 2018 15:27
Quai James and his apology video (Screengrab: Twitter/@quaijames)
1 min read


A man has apologised for a viral video showing him mocking chasidic boys for their haircuts. 

The video, which has now been taken down from social media, shows American Quai James filming a toddler with peyot while telling him “I’d be crying if I looked like that, too, bro...That’s f***ed up what they be doing to you.”

The video was posted to Facebook and Snapchat with the caption “Had to really let my son know how i felt about the whole Jewish Haircut… Pray for the lil homie.”

It was taken down after social media outrage, with a spokeswoman for Facebook stating that the video "violates our bullying policies and we took it down upon investigating."

A spokeswoman for Facebook confirmed late Monday that the video "violates our bullying policies and we took it down upon investigating."

However in a surprise turn-around Mr James has posted a follow-up video apologising for his original post. Described by one viewer as "maybe the best apology I’ve ever seen" Mr Jones admits that he was wrong to mock the child and to post the video.

He says: "I want to sincerely apologise to that young man and his family. I never meant for anyone to be hurt or for this to be taken the wrong way...I'm truely sorry. I think about it every day now."

"I don't want this to be a race thing. I have nothing against Jewish people...that was my opinion on the haircut only. Trust me. They have been through too much, too much. We've been through as much as they've been through. They've been through worse.

"While I was doing it - before I even did it - I should have been more considerate and open to other people's feelings".

The apology has racked up over 300,000 views, while the original video was taken down after 100,000 views.