
Jerusalem violence ebbs


Violence in and around Jerusalem has continued over the past week, but at a lower level than the spate of attacks seen in late November.

On Saturday, arsonists, thought to be right-wing vigilantes, burnt two classrooms at the Max Rayne Hand in Hand Bilingual School in south Jerusalem.

The school is the only one in the city where Jews and Arabs learn side-by-side. Slogans such as "Death to Arabs" and "There is no coexistence with cancer" were sprayed on the school's walls.

Rebecca Bardach, a mother of two at the school and its director of strategy and development, said: "It is an attack on all the Jews and Arabs who believe that the resolution to our conflict is to be found in working together."

On Sunday, a Tel Aviv shul was vandalised with graffiti that referred both to the arson attack and the Jewish-state bill that had been scheduled for a Knesset vote this week.

On Monday morning, a 25-year-old Palestinian woman tried to stab an Israeli citizen at the Gush Etzion junction south of Jerusalem and, on Wednesday evening, a Palestinian stabbed two Israeli shoppers in a supermarket in Mishor Adumim, leaving them wounded.

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