
Greens vote not to tolerate antisemitism

Greens change their original anti-semitism motion at this year's Green Party conference amid opposition within the party.


Delegates at this year's Green Party conference have backed a motion stating that the party did not tolerate or endorse antisemitism, but only after radically cutting the original resolution.

The original motion said that antisemitism also included elements of anti-Zionism and called for the Greens to adopt the European Union's definition of antisemitism.

It also stated that Israel's right to exist was consistent with the Green Party's policies and called upon all party members to condemn antisemitism, when forced to share a platform with other speakers who express antisemitic views.

The motion caused some opposition within the party, which this week voted to appoint MEP Caroline Lucas as its first leader. Ms Lucas has in the past been a staunch supporter of the boycott of trade with Israel and chaired a session at a Palestine Solidarity Campaign congress.

An opposing motion was tabled saying that the Greens have "engaged" with groups supporting the Palestinians and that Greens dissociate themselves from these groups' wider agenda "specifically if it reflects any implication of antisemitism".

The conference finally pared down the original motion. Councillor Chris Fox, one of those behind it, said: "It's a very small progress, but it's important that at least for the first time there is something on antisemitism in the Greens' policies."

The conference also featured a fringe event on "Anti-Zionism - a Jewish perspective." This was organised by Green Left and the PSC. A second fringe meeting discussed whether "criticism of Israel can be antisemitic." 


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