
Radlett builds up


Plans for the £1.65 million rebuilding and refurbishment of Radlett United Synagogue have been submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council, marking the start of a five-week consultation with neighbours and other interested parties.

The submission follows approval of the scheme by shul officers and members. It also has the backing of the United Synagogue, which has pledged a 50 per cent loan towards the initial cost.

Building committee chair Paul Krisman believed the shul had done everything possible to secure a favourable outcome. Representatives had met council planning and policy officers to get pre-application feedback on the proposals and to deal with any concerns that emerged.

"We are confident that the planning application we have submitted addresses the requirements of the community whilst remaining in keeping with the policies of the local planning authority," he said. Care had been taken to minimise the disruption to the local area.

If the plans are accepted, the one-time Radlett village hall will be integrated with the neighbouring house also owned by the shul and undergo major refurbishment.

There will be a multi-function kiddush hall and an expanded synagogue space, plus purpose-built classrooms, cloakrooms, kitchen and disabled facilities.

The improved amenities are greatly needed by the youthful and rapidly growing congregation.

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