
Protesters left to watch the birdies


A Glasgow charity golf day for Israel passed off without major incident on Tuesday as a call for disruption by the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign attracted minimal support.

Officials at Bonnyton Golf Club, which hosted the annual JNF/KKL Scotland Professionals Pro-Am tournament, reported that the eight people who turned up to demonstrate were outnumbered by police. The Community Security Trust had also sent representatives from Manchester.

In accordance with police instructions, the protest group waited until players had finished a hole before shouting anti-Israel slogans. One source reported seeing them enjoying a picnic.

The SPSC website had urged protesters to use golf balls and mirrors to interrupt play, but police warnings against this were heeded.

JNF/KKL Scotland chair Stanley Lovatt said: “We are quite used to demonstrators and it has made no difference to us this year or any year. In fact the presence of demonstrators just makes it more exciting.”

The tournament was contested by 40 teams and is expected to raise the £30,000 needed to complete the Gazit Reservoir in the Galilee, a JNF/KKL Scotland project.

No one from the SPSC was available for comment.

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