
New dayan appointed to head Leeds Beth Din

Rabbi Shalom Kupperman succeeds the late Yehudah Refson


Rabbi Shalom Kupperman has been appointed as the new Leeds Beth Din head, succeeding Dayan Yehudah Refson, who died last year.

Minister of the city’s Etz Chaim Synagogue, Rabbi Kupperman is also a qualified therapist with a Master’s in psychotherapy and counselling.

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, who made the appointment with London Beth Din head Dayan Menachem Gelley, was “delighted” Rabbi Kupperman had answered the call.

 “The Leeds Jewish community, for which I have the greatest admiration, was ably led for a generation by Dayan Refson, whose exceptionally sad passing last year left a painful void.”

Rabbi Kupperman brought to the role “many years of experience, learning, warmth and humility. I wish him blessing and success in all his endeavours on behalf of the Leeds community.”

Dayan Gelley believed the appointment would take Leeds Jewry “to ever higher levels. Rabbi Kupperman has a unique blend of first-degree Torah scholarship, humility, wisdom and compassion, all of which will serve him well in his new role.”

The new dayan was “humbled and honoured to be called to serve the Leeds Beth Din, renowned for its great Torah personalities”.

Dayan Refson  had been histeacher and mentor "and I hope to pay back my debt to him by continuing his holy work of preserving and developing the observance and practice of Torah in Leeds.

“I would like to express my gratitude to my dear friends, the rabbonim of Leeds, and my congregation for putting their trust in me and encouraging me to accept the responsibility of serving in the Beth Din. Together, we are going to make Leeds an attractive place to all Jews, from the most modern to the most observant. The forthcoming construction of the Leeds Eruv is a huge step in this direction.”


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