
Ipswich simchah ends 140-year wait


Members of the tiny Suffolk Liberal Jewish Community celebrated what they believe to be the first local barmitzvah in 140 years in Ipswich on Shabbat. The barmitzvah boy, Jon Emlyn, was tutored by a member of the 20-strong community and the congregation was swelled to 50 by family and friends of the celebrant.

Ipswich had a synagogue in the 19th century but the community began to move away in the 1850s and the synagogue was demolished in 1877.

The Liberal community was formed by four people in 2005. It affiliated to Liberal Judaism last year.

"We don't have our own premises and we don't have a Sefer Torah," said founding member Beverley Levy. "We hired a small local theatre and borrowed a Sefer Torah from our good friends in the Colchester and District Jewish Community. There was a lovely atmosphere, we had lots of visitors and we hope it was a good showcase for Liberal Judaism. We look forward to more families coming to Suffolk."

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