
Danny Caro's Quote of the Week: November 22


Samuel Marchant of Maccabi London Lions B was in top form at his post-match press conference following his team's dramatic 2-1 defeat against Division Two title rivals Scrabble FC. That said, Jon Jacobs and Jason Stein ran him very close.

He told JC Sport: "It was an unfortunate day for us yet our performance was of top quality, the best we’ve played all season. To play the team in the league with the best record, outplay them on their own pitch and not be rewarded for it is a harsh reality. We pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and head into next week knowing that if we play like that every week, we will be playing football next season in a higher division"



- JON JACOBS (Redbridge JC A) - QUOTE 1 - "We pinned Danny Caro’s prediction up in the changing rooms and enjoyed throwing darts at it after the game"

- JON JACOBS (Redbridge JC A) - QUOTE 2 - "Roll-on, roll-off was thrown out by the Maccabi League as the teams voted against it. Redbridge were the only team to vote for it and that view has been given more power by today. You are able to take a squad of 15 to Manchester and give them all some game time. It keeps teams together and makes everyone feel a part of it. The ref knew who the subs were and was very happy to allow for quick changes so it really added to the occasion. I urge the clubs to reconsider this again for next season"

- JONNY DAVIS (South Manchester Sports 1st) - commenting on Adam Lavin's free-kick (see above) - "If that would've been scored by a Brazilian, you'd never hear the end of it"

- DAVID GARBACZ (Hendon A) - "I don't want to take anything away from Lions - they played an excellent intense high-pressing game and are a vastly improved team from last year. They fought really hard and would have been delighted to get a draw, never mind the win"

- SAMUEL MARCHANT (ML Lions B) - QUOTE 1 - "We had a goal not given just before the final whistle as a corner was clearly headed in and over the line, the distance over the line reminiscent of Pedro Mendes away at Old Trafford. In other words, we dominated the game from the start, weren’t clinical, and were also unlucky"

- JASON STEIN (Oakwood B) - "The draw is tonight and I hope Eyal Berkovic and Ronnie Rosenthal pull out a kind one. Personally speaking, any of the northern sides would be a great occasion and I'd take delight in proving to some of my southern colleagues that is possible to drive down a motorway, play a game of football and do so without moaning"

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