
Danny Caro's Quote of the Week: April 3


Nick Stern was desperately unlucky to miss out on winning the Manager of the Week accolade, but he came up trumps with this quip.

Reflecting on the 2-2 draw against Maccabi London Lions B at Rowley Lane, Stern told JC Sport: "There is no doubt that Lions had the majority of the possession but they didn’t know how to handle the tactics of L'Equipe, let alone a team who showed passion and desire from minute one. It was men versus kids, old versus young, fat versus thin and, most importantly, experienced versus inexperience and though a draw, I am proud to say that the old-timers came away the happier and we congratulate Scrabble on inevitably winning the league now"



- DAVID GARBACZ (Hendon A) - QUOTE 1 - "Raiders were exceptionally well-organised and I thought did really well, showed great commitment and deserved their goal at the end. They played far better than their league position would suggest and for a while were hard to break down"

- DAVID GARBACZ (Hendon A) - QUOTE 2 - "Once we got the first though there was only ever going to be one winner and we topped off our win with some nice goals in the second half, plus a funny Ronnie Rosenthal moment from Yoav Kestenbaum. Thankfully we were 4-0 up at the time"

- DAVID GARBACZ (Hendon A) - QUOTE 3 - "It should be a great occasion and I'll be making sure the boys don't eat too many matzahs in the coming weeks so we go into the match at full fitness"

- DAVID DOMB (NL Raiders B) - "For 45 minutes I'm pretty sure that Hendon side were stunned. We were disciplined, well organised and looked pretty good on the break but just couldn't find the final ball. We were unlucky to go in a goal down - the fact is Hendon were in a game I'm sure they weren't expecting"

- JASON STEIN (Oakwood B) - "For Andy to say the ball hit the player before it hit his hands – thus it’s not an intentional handball – completely ignores the fact that the SPEC defender is an unnatural position with his hands high in the air. Had it been seen it properly, no referee could have turned it down. The guy has his hands higher than a 12 year old doing the YMCA"

- RICKY LAWRENCE (SPEC FC) - "I've seen Jason's comments and whilst I appreciate their frustration at losing so late, I think it's an incredibly blinkered view. Rob Murraydona has hurled himself at the ball heroically and it's hit his knee, shoulder and then around his armpit. To have given a penalty would have been extremely harsh. I won't get into how they behaved after the game, we'll simply enjoy a fantastic three points - a great way to end what's been a terrific league campaign"

- SIMON LINDEN (Blizzard Storm) - "We're glad to finish what's been a tough season. My main job now is to keep the group together, bring in a few more players and start fresh next season. We need a good pre-season and a lot more commitment next year in order to bounce back and be in the mix for a return to the Premiership. We lost 12 players last summer and in hindsight, it wasn't the right time to get promoted. However we have learnt a lot from this year and I do hope we can return to the top-flight with a lot more about us and a good winning mentality"

NICK STERN (L'Equipe) - QUOTE 2 - "I would have bitten off your hand for a draw prior to the game and though 2-0 up a draw was a great result and we carry on, on our five-game unbeaten streak which we will hope continues till the end of the season"

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