
With friends like Anders Behring Breivik

July 25, 2011 11:54

All those who stood with his mates in the EDL, or did nothing to remove these neo-Nazis from their protests should, at the very least hang their heads in shame.
Jews should never cosy up to the Nazis.
Read about it here

In the manifesto, titled "2083: A European Declaration of Independence" and published under the name Andrew Berwick, Israel is mentioned no less than 300 times, always in a positive light. In his writings, Breivik appears to be an “ardent Zionist,” praising and exalting “The Jewish State” by Theodor Herzl. He attacks the European political establishment, led by the European Union, for not supporting Israel.

Breivik also praises Israel’s policies saying, “Throughout the years, [Israel] has not granted most of its Muslim residents civil rights -- in stark contrast to Europe, which opened its doors to Muslims and granted them exaggerated rights and citizenship."

Breivik also surprises the reader with his in-depth knowledge of Israel’s internal party politics. He praises Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for creating his right-leaning coalition.

“It’s worth noting that Netanyahu has already found allies in right-wing Yisrael Beitenu and in the religious Shas, but has avoided creating a right-wing alliance because he knows it would collide with the U.S. Obama administration,” Breivik writes.

Jews must never stand with Nazis or Christian fundamentalists like Breivik or the right wing nutters in the US such as Pastor Huggie.

July 25, 2011 11:54

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