
When the anti racists become racist themselves

January 18, 2012 20:21

If you we're born in France your French,if you were born in England you are English,if you were born in Germany you're German if you're born in Israel you are...
When if you're born in Israel you're not worthy of being Israeli according to the anti racist organisations.

There is not one other country in the world apart from Israel where the so-called anti-Nazi or anti racist organisations believe that Israelis have a right, a human right to exist in safety.
In fact the UAF United against fascism organisation side and march alongside anti-Israeli supporters,those that support Hamas right to self-determination but not Israel's right to self-determination.

Organisations such as Hope not hate are never seen alongside pro Israel organisations on social media networks such as twitter or Facebook but they are prominent alongside pro-Palestinian anti-Israeli organisations.

So obviously Israelis do not have support from antiracist or anti Nazi Organisations. In fact all these organisations openly support and sides with the Palestinians but not Israelis.

It seems to me that these organisations believe that Israelis are not entitled to human rights. They are not entitled to live in safety and they are the only people of a country in the world one not entitled to live in peace and safety according to these organisations.

Just go on to twitter any day of the week and you will find Hope not hate And United against fascism organisations readily supporting those people who attack Israel's existence, but not those that support Israel. They're all to quick denouncing the EDL English defence league but not so quick in denouncing terror organisations.

So when did the anti-Nazi organisations iand the anti racist organisations become racist themselves?

January 18, 2012 20:21

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