
Welcome to the UK Mr Abu Qatada

January 17, 2012 23:52

I will make this blog short, as I am not sure what to say, and I am sure I am not alone.

Sometimes I feel like I am living in the "twilight zone", or living in some parallel universe where people that do bad things get all the praise and those that are good are punished.

I sincerely welcome Mr Qatada, as does the Strasbourg Court. For today, we heard that this specimen of hatred has been allowed to stay in the UK. And just in case you did not read the article or hear the news here is the link.

And he is not the first. A long line of those who have put this country and people in danger have been given a safe haven;

In 2008 Fowzi Badavi Nejad, 50, was granted parole after serving 28 years in prison following the London Iranian embassy attack.

In 2010 Abid Naseer was among ten Pakistani students seized after a plot to cause carnage at high-profile targets in the North West of England was foiled by an MI5 operation.

In May 2011 A convicted terrorist who has banned from Britain has been stopped from being deported on human rights grounds by judges who overturned the ban on him being in the country.

And I could spend at least a few hours, just posting stories, of terrorists allowed to stay in Britain, and those who are already UK citizens putting us in danger.

I love this country. This is my home. This is where I was born. I am disgusted that the people who are supposed to keep us safe, are allowing this to happen.

I just wonder what a person has to do, to get chucked out of the country?

Oh yes now I know. Become a member of the Israeli Knesset.

January 17, 2012 23:52

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