
Walinets - above his station

November 24, 2016 23:04

"They feel just like us diaspora Jews; we all have every right - and duty - to criticise those of our brethren who do bad things in our name." You mean like having the chutzpa to try and stay alive? And who appointed you the arbiter of what is "bad"? When you live in Israel and experience what it is truly like to live in the midst of hostile nations - i.e.naked Jew hatred and not project your Western values on the cultural norms of the Middle East, where peace is not agred ove a cup of tea, then you can have what to say. Until then I consider your "criticism" to be so much bunkum because your views are educated by a media which in general is hostile even to Israel's existence and you live in a country where protest is controlled by the green red alliance - which means that when thousands are being killed in the towns of Syria instead of taking to the streets in protest as they do when an Israeli soldier so much looks at a Palestinian the wrong way they organise protests against the legal sale of Jewish produce an exercise in Jew hatred so reminiscent of the criminal actions of the Brown Shirt thugs in Germany in the 1930s.

November 24, 2016 23:04

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