
United Nations supports burkas, beatings and stonings

October 31, 2010 19:29

Iran once again up for a seat in UN women's rights organization
It's absurd enough that this would happen once, but it's not the first time. And Saudi Arabia is up for a supporting role.

When apologists for Islam defend Sharia's deplorable record on women's rights and human rights in general, they often cite marginal improvements that Islamic law may have introduced in the seventh century and soon thereafter, despite the misogyny that pervades Muhammad's comments on women: according to authoritative ("Sahih," or "sound") Islamic sources, he said they are "deficient in religion and intellect" (Sahih Bukhari 1.6.301), and destined to be the majority among souls consigned to hell (Sahih Bukhari 4.54.464). Not to mention the Qur'anic endorsement of beating (yes, beating) women "from whom you fear disobedience" (4:34).

No, whatever slight relief Islam may claim to have introduced almost one and a half millennia ago is but a testament to the fact that the rest of the world has long since passed Sharia by, where it was not already ahead before Sharia's introduction.

But Iran and Saudi Arabia still want a pat on the back for providing what comparatively little they believe divine fiat provided in terms of women's rights, and nothing more, lest they be accused of bida, or innovation, and wind up in hell where Muhammad said all those morally and intellectually deficient women would be.

"Iran close to a seat on UN agency that promotes equality for women," from Asia News, October 29:

Tehran (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The United States Government and human rights groups reacted forcefully yesterday to news that Iran is close to gaining a seat on a new UN agency to promote equality for women.
The body, UN Women, is intended to promote women's rights, but the nomination of Iran has caused outrage, particularly in light of the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the 43-year-old mother of two sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery.
"UN Women is tasked with promoting gender equality and women's empowerment worldwide. We and many other countries are concerned by the negative implications of Iran's potential board memberships, given its poor record on human rights and the treatment of women," said Mark Kornblau, spokesman for the US mission to the United Nations.
Under a General Assembly resolution, four UN agencies are being merged into one 41-member body. Regional groups nominate 35 countries with a further six donor nations to be included.
The Asian group has proposed an uncontested ten-nation list that includes Iran.
Saudi Arabia's nomination as one of the donor countries has also caused concern. Women are not allowed to drive in the kingdom and segregation of the sexes is strictly enforced by the country's religious police.
In both countries, women are routinely harassed and can face severe punishment, including jail and lashings, for behaviour or dress deemed immodest.
UN Women will be headed by the former Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, an appointment that has been applauded by all.

October 31, 2010 19:29

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