
Told you the anti-boycott law was stupid

August 03, 2011 21:05

Reut, an institute which is at the forefront of the fight against the delegitimisers, tells it like it is here

The Boycott Law is, in some sense, the worst of both worlds. The law does not properly address the de-legitimization phenomenon, as the law is territorial in its application and yet the de-legitimization campaign is global, primarily operating beyond Israel's borders. Therefore, those who thought that the law would provide the legal tools to deter those promoting de-legitimization will soon be disappointed. The greater damage of the law, however, is the controversy forming around it. The internal divisions within the Israeli camp have been exacerbated, when in fact; the response to the assault on Israel's legitimacy requires unity. Instead of uniting the major factions within Israeli politics against the de-legitimization threat, the legislation has turned the discourse into a public shouting match where those supporting the government's policy and those opposing it are throwing mud at each other.

The only people who support this blemish on the face of Israeli democracy are those whose actions do more harm to Israel than the BDS movement could ever hope to achieve.

August 03, 2011 21:05

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