
The real destroyers of Israel

November 18, 2010 08:12

Ari Shavit, one of the more sanguine and pro-Zionist writers in Haaretz, has written an excellent piece about how the far right is destroying Zionism and Israel.

The conclusion is unequivocal - if Israel wants to live it must release itself from the loony right's stranglehold. The settlers' rabbis are not the State of Israel. Nor are Shas' rabbis. National Union, Habayit Hayehudi and the Likud rebels are a tiny minority. Only because the political system isn't functioning they gained power. Only because the silent majority is silent they can bring upon us one disaster after another. Because sane Israel is indifferent, loony Israel gets to lead us to the brink of catastrophe. Not because of an act of God but because we are weak-willed and dispirited we allow the wacky fringe groups to take over the national agenda. We let lunatics take us to dark places.

Netanyahu sees this frenzy around him and gets nauseated. He knows very well that the loony right lacks a basic understanding of state affairs. He realizes that the loony right is dangerous. But to move from understanding to action, Netanyahu must achieve a political big bang. He must make opposition leader Tzipi Livni a substantial proposal. He must make a real effort to put together a Zionist government. Only a government consisting of the three central Zionist parties can deal with Zionism's crumbling. Only a Likud-Kadima-Labor government can make the necessary decisions on the peace process. Only a different government can prevent the loony right from driving us all over the edge.

Shavit has good contacts in the Prime Minister's Office.

November 18, 2010 08:12

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