
The new breed of anti-semites

January 15, 2012 11:52

It took me some time to think about how I would write this blog entry. I wrote it a few times and deleted it, but I felt that it had to be written, not only because I have fallen victim to this, but mainly to really expose what seems to have become the norm both in society, but more importantly, within certain parts of our media.

It wasnt very long ago,that Jewish people were fearing groups and political parties of the far right.

Having come through the second world war, our parents and grandparents instilled in their children the stories of the nazis who commited outrageous and dispicable atrocities against our people and others.

These extreme far right groups believed we shouldnt be part of a "normal" society.

I grew up with the knowledge that political groups that support far right policies were a "danger" to the Jewish people, and we should be not only aware of them, but to openly critisise them through education and publicity.

Groups such as the "Anti-facist league" were very prominent when I was at school, and I remember proudly wearing a badge on my school blazer.

However, things have changed which I believe is even more frightening but more subtle, and is not being talked about in our mainstream media.

It is those groups, who cloak themselves in an "anti-nazi" and "anti-racist" or "no hate" banner,which seems to have become, what I believe to be, a new breed of anti-semitism.

A more dangerous, more virulent form of "National socialism".

These are far left groups, who think its okay, to call a Jew a "nazi", are intimidating Jews and non Jews who support Israel, using rhetoric that the German Nazis called us, whilst commiting a genocide.

This new breed of fanatical left wing are propogating abuse towards Jews, whilst aligning themselves with extremist groups that are supporting terror attacks upon Israel.

They support groups that wish to see the extermination of Israelis, and will intimidate those with abuse who stand up for Israel.

Michael Coren, a well known Canadian Journalist, has been the latest target of intimidation from this form of fanatical left wing "anti-semitism".

In short, it is only right, to condemn the far right of the BNP (British National Party) and the EDL (English Defence League) as nazis, but this vicious far left extremism have become "nazi" like themselves.

And if you support and love Israel they will make sure you shouldn't be part of their idea of a "normal" society. One where Israel should not exist.

January 15, 2012 11:52

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