Touching Lives for a Brighter Jewish Future
Our challenge is to keep on supporting our young people to ensure a rich and rewarding Jewish future for us all.
Will you make it your challenge to support us?
The Movement for Reform Judaism Appeal: Please donate now by calling our donation line on 020 8349 5684 OR visit our website: to donate on-line
If you cannot support us, dozens of young people will miss out on an opportunity that could shape their life for years to come. Please help by donating whatever you can.
A Message from Rabbi Dr. Tony Bayfield, Head of the Movement
I hope you do not mind me contacting you about a matter of great concern. As somone familiar with the work of the Movement, I know that you understand the importance of providing a rich and meaningful future for British Jewry by investing in our young people.
Each year over 800 children and young adults participate in a wide range of programmes through our youth movement RSY-Netzer, and the Jeneration network which reaches out to the 18-35s. These inspiring and creative programmes are vital to maintain commitment to their Jewishness and provide them with experiences and friendships that will last a lifetime whether within synagogues, at Shemesh summer camps, in Israel on tour or a gap year, or as students on campus and beyond. These are at the heart of our strategy for youth and young adults.
At the same time, as a result of the current difficult financial climate, more and more young people now have to rely on our financial support to participate in these programmes. Last year alone, the Movement helped 57 young people but our resources are very limited. Already this year, more requests for support than ever before have been made and we may be left with no option but to deny some young people the opportunity to participate in a programme simply because the money is not available.
This is a tragedy both for the future of our community, and the young people concerned. That is why I am writing to you today to ask for help. To keep these excellent programmes going, reach more young people and offer financial assistance for those who would otherwise be turned away, we depend on your support. Your donation, however large or small, could make a difference: To support us, simply call our donation line on 020 8349 5684, or donate on-line:
Thank you on behalf of all the young people your donation will enable us to support.