
The lesson of 9/11: Don’t dare upset the Muslims

September 11, 2010 12:36

I keep finding myself, as of late, trying to imagine table talk about world goings-on at an average Muslim family living in Britain. For some reason, the imagined table always seems to be in West Bromwich, in the West Midlands. And I always picture the family members laughing like hell into their mango lassis.

Following the major television news networks these past few days as they fretted over the burning “Will he or won’t he (burn the Korans)?” question, it became patently obvious that the headmaster is now terrified of the school bully, who – on this ninth anniversary of 9/11, when he should be begging the world’s forgiveness – now understands that “might makes right.”

Of interest to me is not the attention-seeking nut in Florida, but rather the seeming desperation of the Western world – as reflected in its ridiculously exaggerated media coverage of this non-story – to fall over itself to appease Muslims and their possible reaction to International Burn a Koran Day.

Hardly a day goes by without us witnessing appalling atrocities and provocations in the supposed name of Islam: suicide bombings, fatwas, stonings, burnings of effigies and flags, Holocaust denial, and other crude forms of anti-Semitism. Women in Gaza and Muslim countries daren’t even have an orgasm without first obtaining the permission of their Islamofascist rulers.

And who in the West dares to utter a word in protest?

A loony pastor in Florida, however, with no more than fifty followers, threatens to burn a few Korans and the Western media descends into a state of frenzy, the story leading all the major news networks for days.

Such disproportionate oversensitivity to and appeasement of Muslims constitutes a worrying sign that the West may already have given up the fight against the evil of Islamofascism. And when a former British prime minister is forced to cancel book signings in London because of fears of violent protests by wrongheaded scum, and no one says or does a thing, it is very depressing indeed.

I am under no illusion about individuals such as Pastor Jones or, for example, elements of the English Defence League. What I do admire, however, is their refusal to lie down while their world and way of life – and in their own countries – is being transformed in front of their very eyes.

Anyone who is more concerned about a few books being burned by some deranged pastor – and we are not talking state-sponsored, 1933-style destruction here – than about the creeping Islamization of our planet is no less irrational than the mook with the handlebar moustache.

The spirit that got Britain through the last threat to its way of life, seventy years ago, would appear to have gone walkies. The British had better wake up and find it soon . . . before it is too late.

September 11, 2010 12:36

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