
The J-Word - Ham & High review

June 16, 2009 17:47

Good, interesting, rather academic review of The J-Word in this week's Ham & High (Hampstead & Highgate Express).

Here's a link to a PDF of two pages in the Ham & High - the review spans the two pages:

The reviewer, Emma Klein (author of Lost Jews), analyses the story, the characters and the development of the plot in The J-Word in a way I'd never be able to do myself!

She says some very nice things, too:
"A fascinating exposure of the vagaries of Jewish identity and its impact on individual lives. ... A considerable achievement."

The J-Word (Snowbooks, £7.99) is available at Joseph's Bookstore in Temple Fortune, Steimatzky's in Golders Green Road, Daunt's in Belsize Park and South End Green, as well as in Waterstone's and Borders.

Please let me know what you think of it!

June 16, 2009 17:47

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