
tales of left and right

July 11, 2011 17:13

It always seems to me that Israel and apologists for Israeli policies have gotten a little confused.

How did being of " the left " come to correlate with racism and anti semitism in particular ? Isn't this at complete variance with the historical and present reality ? Hasn't racism always been a right wing desease ?

Wasn't it the left that offered the only resistance to the rise of fascism in the 1930's ? Where were the right ? You guessed it, sympathising and empathising with it.

The internationals campaigning on behalf of the Palestinians are from a very long proud tradition. The international observation of, and sometimes participation in, the resistance, is the only semblance of protection the people have against the brutality of the occupation.

viva James Maley, viva Frank Ryan, viva Simon Levin, viva Los Internacionales

July 11, 2011 17:13

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