
Repeated just for Millis

July 06, 2011 22:21

This is from the end of George Gilder's article in the American Spectator, entitled The Economics of Settlement

America's enemies in the Middle East well understand that no American military goals or resources in the Middle East are as remotely as important to the region as is Israel, with its ever-growing panoply of technical, economic, moral, and military assets...contrary to all the floods of mendacious propaganda purveyed by an ever-gullible mainstream media [and useful idiots like Millis for example], Netanyahu's bold economic and humanitarian policies in the West Bank and Gaza have succeeded in fostering a brisk economic revival in the territories, with a recovery rate of near 10 percent in Gaza alone. As George Will acerbically noted in a particularly brilliant column, "Turkey was claiming to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, a land with higher incomes and longevity than Turkey itself."

Israel's unparalleled achievements in industry and intellect have fanned the familiar anti-Semitic frenzies...They all imagine that by delegitimizing, demoralizing, defeating, and, ultimately, destroying Israel, they will take an enormous step toward bringing down the entire capitalist West.

...U.S. strategy has slid into total incoherence, drifting from a futile and deadly funambulism (*) among the tribes of Afghanistan to propping up the Lebanese Army (i.e., Hezbollah) with sophisticated night-fighting gear to be used against no other target than Israel, and enhancing the Palestinian police forces with $100 million in new equipment and training assistance, all the while pretending to the overwhelmingly pro-Israel American electorate that it is, in fact, guaranteeing the military superiority of Israel. This feckless and reckless attempt at a "fairness doctrine" balancing act places the United States and the entire Middle East on a path that can only lead to a new war that such a Janus-faced policy, in which America arms both sides, will make at once more likely and more lethal.

Acting on the facts of life and history would make peace a far more likely prospect than does the Obama administration's return to a "Peace Process" that chiefly focuses on uprooting Israeli settlers.

Millis I suggest you read the full article and weep

July 06, 2011 22:21

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