
Random reflections on Zuma's visit to No 10.

March 06, 2010 11:30

Imagine that Jacob Zuma is the UK's PM. Not just visiting No 10 but actually ensconced there. Maybe with The 3rd Wife. At least, for a short while, until he finds.... The 4th Wife. How would you feel about it? Be honest. Avoid The PCrap.

I ask these questions because many people in SA would like to get rid of him. I am not one of them, however, since most of the alternatives are far worse.

(Now I know that John Major had a fling with Edwina Currie. So marital fidelity is also obviously not a paramount consideration in British political life, although you do have to wonder about John's taste in Jewish women.)

But if Jacob, and his multiplicity of wives, are too unlikely Downing Street incumbents... let's imagine that David Cameron immediately announces that he is leaving his wife for Diane Abbott, who is, in turn, is leaving her heart-throb Michael Portillo. Would it really be a vote winner? (I hear that the polls are quite close so The Tories might get some floating Labour voters?)

March 06, 2010 11:30

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