
Please, not Miliband.

June 04, 2009 22:13

Well, it looks like there's a distinct possibility that there's a chance that maybe, just maybe, Gordon Brown will be forced to consider stepping down.

And if all those maybe, might, possiblies happen then who will take his place as the Leader of the Opposition Elect? Please let it not be the member for South Shields. If there's one thing more difficult to cope with that a Jew in a position of such political seniority, then it's a lapsed Jew.

Jews in such situations are an excuse for that passive, whispered antisemitism in the media: the passing references to Eastern European heritage; the mention of families escaping the Nazis, etc. Mostly, however, they're not bothered, and just get on with doing whatever they're doing, happy to mention their Jewish connections if it suits them, but usually without too much fuss. It's just the press and the far right that like to make something of it, especially when there's controversy in the air.

Lapsed or rejecting Jews are more of a problem to us because they feel a deep insecurity about their background and therefore go out of their way to demonstrate how unattached they are. One way to do this is to kick Israel. Miliband is certainly up for this and he has done so whenever he could reasonably get away with it since Tony Blair went on his never-ending cash generating, sorry, speaking tour. In fact the only time he appears to have been nice to Israel is when he visited just around the time when the rocket attacks were at their most frequent. Difficult not to be nice under those circumstances, eh?

Miliband is clearly a man in possession of a brilliant mind; they don't call him Brains for nothing. However, being uncomfortable with his Jewish blood, his judgment is distorted against Jews. He's no good for us and I hope he doesn't get the big job.

If, that is, in the know, shhh.

June 04, 2009 22:13

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