
The Fresser

Pesach breakfast ideas #2

You might still be rediscovering old favourites, uneaten for the last year but in case you need inspiration...

April 11, 2017 16:52

Another favourite breakfast Chez Fresser is a stack of bubelach - aka matzah meal pancakes.

The matzah meal/egg pancakes are so quick and easy they can be prepared in minutes and are endlessly adaptable.

The basic version is matzah meal and egg — roughly 1 tablespoon of fine matzah meal per egg — with maybe a teaspoon of sugar per egg. Some add baking powder but that doesn’t sit right with me even if you can buy it kosher for Passover. Somehow feels like cheating. 

You can add other flavourings to the batter – maybe cinnamon or cocoa for a chocolate version; or mashed banana or berries for a healthy, refined sugar-free breakfast. 

Plate with a drizzle of maple syrup add a dollop of yoghurt — did I mention I buy gallons of the stuff for Pesach — and some chopped fruit.  

I like to mix it up a bit with different flavours and toppings so that the moans of ‘not those pancakes again’ only start towards the end of the eight days.

With a reasonable helping of protein for their first meal of the day, I feel that my children have a good start.

Recipe per person:


1 egg
1 tbsp matzah meal
pinch of salt
1 tsp of sugar (optional)
Flavourings – choose from:
1/2 very ripe mashed banana; 1 tsp cocoa powder; zest of half a lemon; 1 tsp maple syrup; ½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp sunflower oil
To serve:
Yoghurt and chopped fruit/berries


  • Crack the egg into a bowl and beat it for 30 seconds or so.
  • Scatter over the matzah meal and salt, and beat with a fork until combined and smooth.
  • Add the sugar and flavourings, if using. 
  • Heat a large frying pan with about a teaspoon of sunflower oil.
  • Spoon in about a tablespoon per pancake.
  • When bubbles start to show in the pancakes, flip them over so the other side can brown.
  • Serve immediately with your choice of topping. Any uneaten pancakes can be refrigerated and reheated in a warm oven.  

April 11, 2017 16:52

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