
Pam Geller: Guardian Girl?

October 21, 2010 08:04

Robert Spencer writes in The Guardian:
"there is no traditional, mainstream sect of Islam or school of Islamic jurisprudence that does not teach warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers. But that doesn't mean that every Muslim is with that programme, any more than Jesus's teaching means that every Christian turns the other cheek and loves his enemies. There is a spectrum of belief, knowledge and fervour among the adherents of any belief-system; some are very knowledgeable and committed, others are not – and sometimes, the most knowledgeable and the most committed are not the same group. The teachings of a religion are one thing and the way every individual believer puts those teachings into practice is quite another."

Robert Spencer writes on his Jihad Watch website
"Check out also the comments section, which is filled with the expected horde of abusive and fact-challenged Leftists and Islamic supremacists. I left a couple of comments there, at Seaton's invitation, and you may wish to do so also -- although remember that reason and logic are completely lost on some people."

Battle_of_Tours | October 18, 2010 5:58 PM | Reply
I spent a few hours on the Guardian comments page, and had a rousing debate with a few participants, some of which are very articulate, reasonable without getting emotional. However, the "moderator" watchdogs saw it fit to remove about half of my posts, especially those that listed the (violent) tenets of the Koran, ie., Suras 9:5, 9:29, 4:3 (slave girls) & 4:34 (wife beating), 3:28, 8:12, 24:2, 33:27, 33:61, 47:4, etc. That was gone, too "controversial" I guess? Nevertheless, the fact that Guardian even "allowed" this debate on Cif is itself commendable.

It was also interesting to feel what it must have been like under the old Soviet Censorship system, where someone "arbitrarily" didn't like what you said, and hit the 'delete'. Of course, no one is going to arrest me for "controversial" statements and send me off to Gulag... at least not yet. So things are really different on the other side of the Pond, they really treat their subjects/citizens as little children that must be made to obey and speak "correctly" or have their mouths 'washed', figuratively. Glad I am in America!

Still, I did notice as the day progressed more and more turning towards "accepting" that Islam is a hostile force, with fewer emotional "anti" anti-Jihad, or anti-Geller, responses, but more towards reasonable posts. That is what is good for us, to bring the conversation from a low base to higher levels and greater accuracy, in spite of the Censors. I feel for the British if this is any indication of what they're up against. Thanks, Robert, for the headsup on your article, it was fun and educational.

October 21, 2010 08:04

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