
Our beliefs are your beliefs

April 29, 2010 11:30

On May 6, I believe we have a fundamental choice to make about the values that we want to define our shared future. I believe the Labour Party is driven by many of the same values that have historically united and defined the Jewish community.

At the heart of all we do lies a commitment to tolerance, justice and fairness, achieved through the combined efforts of a community united by shared beliefs and aspirations.

The Labour government has made it a priority to invest in our children's future. Labour has presided over record levels of investment in our schools, including faith schools, which have such an important place at the heart of many communities.

Beyond school, Labour is committed to ensuring that no young person should ever have to compromise on their choice of university because of a fear of extremism on campus. We issued new guidance to help universities deal with this growing threat as well as providing them with a designated contact within their local police force to deal with any concerns they may have. We will ensure our universities are beacons of tolerance and excellence within our communities, not venues for boycotts or exclusion, abuse or intimidation.

The Jewish community is a thriving example of a society driven by a commitment to hard work and success, coupled with great generosity and community spirit. The work that charities like Norwood and Jewish Care do is an inspiring testament to this Jewish spirit of togetherness that sees the success of a few used to the benefit of the needs of the many.

“We have been unrelenting in our opposition to antisemitism”

The Labour Party shares this commitment and is proud to call itself the party of the many and not the few. We stand firm in our commitment to protect those in the greatest need and see our investment in public services and support for a fair and efficient welfare system as a vital way of ensuring these values are truly woven into the fabric of our society.

Recent years have seen a rise in antisemitic attacks in this country. We have been unrelenting in our opposition to antisemitism in all its forms - whether disguised as political opinion, religious doctrine or distortions of historical fact. Labour ministers have signed the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism and continue to support the joint efforts of the police and Community Security Trust to protect the safety of the Jewish community.

In the face of growing threats, we have taken swift action to proscribe those organisations that preach hatred and violence, and we continue to campaign, alongside others, to stop those that promote hate, like the BNP, gaining support among our communities.

In these testing times, the need to remember and understand the atrocities of the past is as great as ever. That is why this government has given its support to the inspirational work done by the Holocaust Educational Trust to help promote in Britain's young people the enduring values of freedom and justice through teaching about this defining episode of our shared history.

The Labour Party is, and will continue to be, a strong and loyal friend to Israel. We are very proud that Gordon Brown was the first serving Prime Minister to address the Knesset last year.

Under both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's leadership, Labour has worked tirelessly to ensure a just and secure settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe this settlement will be achieved through constructive dialogue and not through sanctions, boycotts and violence.

In government, Labour will continue to lead international efforts to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear weapons and will not waiver from our commitment to promote regional stability and an enduring peace.

April 29, 2010 11:30

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