
Of course this is not ad hominem

November 05, 2011 16:42

He has even tried to undermine our fundraising efforts by spreading lies and misinformation about our activities. His intention was to take money away from UJS - ultimately from JSocs and Jewish students - just because he doesn't agree with the way we do Israel.

This is a man who has called for a boycott of the Guardian; who wears crash helmets to peaceful pro-Israel demonstrations; and who is happy to demonstrate side-by-side with members of the EDL Jewish Division. He lied about that last one by saying the picture of him with the EDL was photoshopped, but - after a legal intervention - was forced to admit that the photo was completely genuine.

And what was supposed to have been the subject of the debate? Ah advocacy for Israel - which according to Mr Sheldon means an ad hominem attack on Mr Hoffman - something the intellectually challenged bigots on this website do all the time because he does not support their agenda - by making false accusations about the EDL for one thing.

But never mind under Mr Sheldon's stewardship we have JSoc at QMC refusing to engage the anti-Israel scum surest way to let them get their twisted message across and for yours to be buried. It had to be left to outsiders to put Israel's case.

November 05, 2011 16:42

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