
Netanyahu may start a war to save himself

November 24, 2016 23:02

Given that his empire is crumbling from within, and no one believes his economic and social promises, Netanyahu may have only one card left to play - war. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Israelis are marching in the streets and camping in city cetres. It really is the economy, stupid. Whoda thunk it in "security-obsessed" Israel.
So he might use an attack on Gaza or Lebanon or even Iran as a way of getting himself out of the mess he has got himself into by appeasing the settlers and the 12 tycoon families that run Israel.

So, should a war suddenly breaks out in the next few weeks; if the northern border, or perhaps the southern, suddenly erupts, as it by its own volition; if Netanyahu makes a surprise TV appearance, pale and resolute, and inform us he ordered the IDF to start bombing Iran, to prevent it from becoming Nazi Germany – should any of this happen, don’t believe a single word you’re told. Assume that the regime is trying to save itself by a war. After all, that’s what our propaganda has been saying of the Arab rulers for years. Do you think Barak is less cynical that Nasrallah? That Netanyahu cares a fig about the citizens more than Nasser did?
One hopes that the very public warning by Meir Dagan – remember him? – and his doubts whether the current security leaderahip can stand up to an adventurous government will shame the military brass into blocking this grotesque idea. But army life is not conductive to common sense and to the ability to say “no” to your superiors. So, if war suddenly breaks out, our duty will be to disrupt it: Storm the Kirya (military headquarters), block entrance to Air Force bases, and basically refuse to play the part of pawns in Barak and Netanyahu’s attempt to the save the ruling economical-political oligarchy by paying in citizen’s blood. The true patriot, in such a case, will have to face down his government and army.
Let’s hope this does not happen, but let us be ready for it.

The man and his mates are very frightening and no doubt his shills here will applaud.

November 24, 2016 23:02

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