
Mr Walinets and Freedom of Speech

August 13, 2011 19:28

"Please note, Norman/Advis3r: In future, if you disagree with any thing I've written, enter your argument IN THE BLOG I actually wrote it in. Otherwise, I will not waste my time following up your arguments in these evasive dribs and drabs packages you employ."

1. I will post when and however I want so long as I keep within JC guidlines I am not obliged to post at your direction.
2. For your information there is no way to post on a thread after office hours except by starting a new thread hence this one - that's the way it works live with it.
3. You accuse the Israeli Supreme Court of being biased against Arabs without a shred of evidence and then try and shift the argument because in fact it is the Government dragging its feet in complying with the order of the court in favour of an Arab that is the problem - hence my comment. Governments drag their feet for many reasons for example the court is looking at the case in front of them a government is obliged to look at the whole picture I am neither excusing/defending the government but your allegation that the Israeli Supreme Court may be biased against Arabs given its record is not worthy of comment.
4. Then you conflate this with how the world views Israel and the aid it gets from the US which of course comes with strings and then from that saying that this will increase anti-Semitism is without doubt disingenuous. What has the government of Israel not complying with an order of the supreme court got to do with an anti-Semitic attack on Jews in North London? Are you saying it justifies it or somehow explains it? Just think what you are saying.
5. If you don't wish to follow up my arguments that's your perogative. I am not obliged to answer every allegation you make against Israel or its government etc. however outrageous I am not their spokesman and generally I only answer criticism where I am in full receipt of the facts I am not going to answer an allegation only to find I did not have the correct facts.
6. Typing in capitals does not make your allegations any more truthful or compelling.

Have a good week!

August 13, 2011 19:28

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