
Monster red herring sighted....

July 03, 2011 10:28

Monster herring sighted......

A great big monster herring has been sighted in an ocean of red herrings and it is quite clearly bright crimson.

It’s called “ The PA must choose between peace with Hamas and peace with Israel. “

Now that Hamas and Fatah are “ reconciled “ you can see , if you couldn’t already, that Israel doesn’t have a peace partner. After all Israel cannot and will not negotiate with terrorists.

Complete nonsense of course. But another diversionary red herring designed to further the game of stringing the world along and delaying and ultimately preventing the creation of a Palestininian state with borders the world has decided is just.

What does this “ reconciliation “ amount to ?

Nothing more or less than an agreement to quit ,for a while , jailing, torturing and killing each other. Israel is not affected in any way whatsoever. Any negotiations would be with the PLO. Hamas is not a member of the PLO. The interim government consists of technocrats not affiliated to any Palestinian faction.

Ha but, there will be elections in a year, and Hamas might partake in government. So what ? Nothing has changed. We all would wish, I am sure, that the new State will be a democracy. If that is so then all of this, whatever it may be, was scheduled to happen.

So like I say nothing has changed. It is just one more great big red herring.
Now the good news. The world, quite clearly, hasn’t bought it. Nice try though.

July 03, 2011 10:28

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