
Millis obfuscates - again

June 02, 2011 21:41

AS usual Millis cherry picks and leaves out the following from the article which totally disproves his "thesis"

"And it is closely bound up with politics. The majority of Israelis regard the 1967 war as an important victory, are happy that Jerusalem is united, and wish it to remain so. But at the same time the international and domestic controversy over the occupation and the building in Jerusalem means that while people are not opposed in principle to a holiday commemorating the 1967 victory, they just are not in a mood to celebrate it."

Why aren't they in the mood? The fact is it is because of people like Millis who repeatedly and without justification call into question Israel's and the Jews' inviolable rigts in relation to Jerusalem instead of supporting them - so much so that Jews living in Israel at least those who do not see the religious conotation in the reunification of the City including the writer of this article worry that the Goyim might not like it if we celebrate the reunification of what has always been ours not realising of course that the Goyim don't particularly like the Jews having a state anyway let alone one with Jerusalem as its undivided capital - just ask the burghers of West Dumbartonshire District Council who are more Hamas than Hamas.

As they you can take the Jew out of the ghetto but sometimes you can't take the ghetto out of the Jew.

June 02, 2011 21:41

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