
Lush founder tells all on LBC.

August 08, 2011 08:05

Last Thursday on LBC Radio Lush founder Mark Constantine was asked by Nick Ferrari to explain his company’s stance on Israel (audio clip below).

To demonstrate Lush’s objectivity Constantine mentions a product called Olive Branch, which, he explains:

“is actually grown by the Palestinians, but processed by the Jews.”

Perhaps realising he had made an error he immediately says:

“what I love about all the Jewish community is the great debate. We are for debate.”

Nick Ferrari agrees with him and moves on.

I doubt Mr Constantine would have referred to Afghanis, Pakistanis or Iranians as “the Muslims”. But, Israelis have suddenly morphed into “the Jews”.

The more we find out about Lush the worse the situation is becoming.

August 08, 2011 08:05

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