
Let's have more inquiries

June 16, 2009 13:33

John Rentoul's blog is a must-read for analysis. His post today on the latest Iraq war inquiry is typically taut:

What we really need are two inquiries into the Iraq war. The one announced
by the Prime Minister yesterday, "to identify lessons learned", as he
put it. And another one to do what its critics almost unanimously agree
that the Chilcot inquiry will fail to do.* The terms of reference for
this second inquiry were set out in a letter to Editor of The Independent in December (I paraphrase):

inquire into the reasons why the four previous inquiries into the Iraq
war failed to come up with the conclusions expected by all
right-thinking people.

This inquiry should be held in
public, be fully independent (chaired by Tony Benn, members George
Galloway, Philippe Sands, Jon Snow, etc.) and the cost borne by public


June 16, 2009 13:33

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