
Learn from a student: the Top 3 stress minimising tips

It's exam season. Our Student Views blogger Ellie Hyman offers a few tips that might just make it bearable

May 17, 2017 16:28

As exam season appears to have crept upon us from absolutely nowhere, most students are drowning in textbooks, flashcards and essay plans.

It’s too late to go back in time and start revising three months ago, and the smug look on the faces of more prepared peers does nothing to help the situation.

These are probably the most helpful last minute tips for coping with the exam period.


Probably the last thing you want to be doing, and are probably shouting I DON’T HAVE TIME TO EXERCISE, I HAVE TO REVISE at your screen as you read this. But getting out of the house (and your head), going for a short run or to a gym class will help clear your head, re-energise you and make for more efficient last minute cramming when you return.

Exercise pumps you full of endorphins, so will also hopefully lift your mood slightly, which nobody is turning down right now.


At the risk of sounding like your mum, this is probably the most obvious and actually works.

Drinking water will flush out toxins from your body, and relieve any fatigue, meaning you’re slightly more likely to be able to pull the oh so needed all night cramming session.

It also helps relieve headaches – when you’re hunched over a desk staring at the never ending words on the page with only the light of your desk lamp for company, this will probably be a welcome relief.


Again, probably shouting NO TIME FOR SLEEP MUST REVISE at your screen as you’re reading this. But a decent night’s sleep, before an exam or even just before another day of last minute cramming will increase brain productivity and overall efficiency.

It’ll also help you relax. Give yourself a couple of hours before you go to sleep with no notes, no formulas or equations, and no technology to just wind down and destress and the next day, it won’t all seem quite so horrendous.

May 17, 2017 16:28

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