
Israel - A Strange & Strong Country

August 21, 2011 13:08

The past week has not been easy in Israel - terror attacks never are easy. It is harder when they come out of the blue after a period of quiet, and the shock of such a sophisticated attack in a part of the country that is generally so peaceful is so much greater. Since the initial attacks rocket fire has increased and unfortunately taken victims as well as caused emotional and physical damage.

When the initial attack happened we were on holiday in the north. People heard what had happened, but the holidays went on - children played, barbecues were lit and people went on with their life in parallel to the events down south.

Yesterday as I walked around Jerusalem watching joggers and prayers on the streets enjoying an idyllic pastoral Jerusalem Shabbat I wondered what was going on in the South. After Shabbat we caught up with the news (and it wasn't good) whilst the noise of a massive summer concert in the nearby Gan Sacher came through the open windows.

As the crow flies Beer Sheva is around 70Km from Jerusalem yet it could be a completely different world. Life is completely normal here - and completely abnormal there. This is a repeat of the pattern that we experienced during the Second Lebanon War and during Cast Lead - one country - two worlds so close yet so far. It is completely surreal.

We all are following the news and are worried - yet we carry on with our lives at the same time. Sometimes I am concerned that we are not more obviously wrapped up in what is going on - are we feeling our fellow citizens' pain? But in general I marvel at the strength of character - we will not be beaten!

Every visitor to Israel quickly notes how many geographic regions (Coast - Mountains - Desert etc) are crammed into so small a space, it seems that the same applies to our lives - we are all connected but away from the immediate scene life goes on as normal. I have come to believe that this is one of the strengths of Israel. It is almost like the stories of the Blitz and the legendary British coolness and determination.

Mourning the fallen and wishing a speedy and successful end to the situation, peace and health to the injured and strength to us all.

Jonathan is a Mancunian and now a Jerusalemite. He writes frequently on the beautiful life in Israel and on Israeli tourism on the popular In Israel Blog on Visit Eilat and the Negev at

August 21, 2011 13:08

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