
Gilbert Achcar: "Arabs bear no responsibility for Holocaust"

October 20, 2010 23:14

Gilbert Achcar is Professor of International Relations at SOAS and he has a new book out called The Arabs and the Holocaust: the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives.

He gave a talk about his book on Tuesday to a very receptive audience of 200 students at SOAS.

Just some of his outlandish claims were:

1. The Arabs bear no responsibility at all for the Holocaust.
2. The Israelis have Nazified the Palestinian people.
3. This Nazification has come about by Israel's broadcasting of the Mufti’s connections with Hitler during WW2.
4. The Israelis must apologise for the Nakba if there is to be peace.
5. The Israelis are today still frozen with fear by Holocaust.
6. Any anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the Arab world is purely a result of Israel's aggression.

What hope is there when students applaud nonsense like this.

If it wasn't bad enough having Ilan Pappe lecturing students full time at Exeter University his ideological twin is now doing the same at SOAS.

The Arab's had a significant enough role in the Holocaust which makes Gilbert Achcar an Arab-role-in-the-Holocaust-denier.

One godsend is that book's cover price is £25, which would better be invested in the SOAS bar than 400 pages of unadulterated propaganda.

October 20, 2010 23:14

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