
Double Standards

July 17, 2011 06:15

is this where he gets his copy from? From an op-ed piece by Sarah Honig in the Jerusalem Post pointing out the double standards employed when incitement is uttered by the left:

"l focus solely on the Left’s respectable and esteemed gurus – all Israel Prize laureates. Although their invective is comparatively moderate, just get a load of what passed through their refined lips:

• Sculptor Yigal Tumarkin (Tel Aviv Magazine, November 4, 1988): “When I see Orthodox Jews, I understand the Nazis.”

Tumarkin (his own op-ed in Hadashot, November 14, 1988): “The Jew’s outward strangeness and the pretentious notion that God chose us... caused violent surrounding cultures to clash... with this arrogant minority...

The image of the cunning, ambitious scoundrel [that's where he got the word from], lending money at exorbitant interest, turned the bent, hook-nosed, bearded Jew into the enemy of civilization... which didn’t help belatedly-enlightened Jews.”

Tumarkin (February 13, 2004): “If a settler child or two get killed, the settler parents say: ‘No problem. We’ll make four instead and all will be OK.’”

Tumarkin (April 22, 2004): “When I fashioned a pig wearing phylacteries I merely meant to display a fetish to deride those settlers, because settlements are idolatry. Because of them we’re in trouble with the whole world and our neighbors.”

• Political scientist Prof. Ze’ev Sternhell (Davar, April 4, 1988): “Only those ready to storm Ofra with tanks will stem the fascist tide, which threatens to engulf Israel’s democracy.”

Sternhell (Haaretz, May 11, 2001): “For many Israelis, perhaps the majority of voters, there is no doubt about the legitimacy of armed resistance in the territories proper.

Were the Palestinians wiser, they would concentrate their struggle against the settlements...instead of placing bombs west of the Green Line.”

• Author Amos Oz (June 8, 1989, at a Peace Now rally): “Gush Emunim is a messianic sect, closed-minded and cruel, a band of armed gangsters, perpetrators of crimes against humanity, sadists, pogromists and murderers who crept out of a dark corner of Judaism, from the cellars of bestiality and defilement, in order to impose their bloodthirsty mad ritual.”

• Author A.B. Yehoshua (Ma’ariv, June 20, 2002): “The Palestinians aren’t the first we drove insane. Look what happened to the Germans...

What brought the Germans and brings the Palestinians to such hatred of us?...

We have a tough history. We came here out of a Jewish experience and the settlements are messing it up.”

• Filmmaker Judd Ne’eman (Ma’ariv, July 7, 2011): “The desirable thing here is that there be a civil war between Left and Right – a war between the settlers and leftists. The settlers might well win, because a majority of public opinion and the government support them, and then this will become a fascist state... Civil war is the way to solve the problem we face.

We tried all other means and none worked...long live death.”

Deafening decibels of indignation would rock our existence were (Rabbis) Lior and Yosef to utter Ne’eman’s battle-cry verbatim. Dutiful cops wouldn’t dither. Yet nobody ever contemplated investigating the inflammatory rhetoric of Israel’s “beautiful people,” those whom our opinion-molders cultivate, promote and overall hype as role models. After all, Israel’s constabulary has double standards to uphold.

This only embolden's racist comments by people professing to be "Zionists" on this website.

Read it all here:

The racist blogger called Jews living in Judea and Samaria scoundrels - definition of a scoundrel "A mean, worthless fellow; a rascal; a villain; a man without honor or virtue. " As a someone living in Judea and a Jew I say that confirms him as a racist.

July 17, 2011 06:15

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