
Bargain plants and techi sleuths

June 02, 2011 11:30

Don’t we all just love a bargain, it really is cathartic to obtain a real ‘metsia’ and yesterday I got a lovely palm plant from Tesco for £1.50 which now makes my total spend on plants £6.00 for the year so far.

Having moved from a farm house in the beautiful Cheshire countryside with one acre of land and which was a full one hours walk each way to synagogue, to an urban town house which is much closer and in many ways handier, the garden is now postage stamp sized and gravelled.

So we have a collection of potted plants, which I tend with love as well as an assortment of plastic containers for growing potatoes, carrots and beetroot. If last years crop is anything to go by they will again fail but as we are being promised a very hot June, who knows.

I got a very small Acer for £3 and a Silver Birch from a car boot for £1.50 and I have also acquired two Copper Beech tree seedlings for free from a friend.

The house plants are doing well and they all add some sense and a feeling of tranquillity to our otherwise turbulent world.

Nature is wondrous but technology never ceases to amaze me having just read an article which I will share with you.

It is the story of Joshua Kaufman in the USA who had his Mac Book laptop stolen and received some police indifference to this offence. However Joshua had a programme called ‘Hidden’ installed and was able to remote into his machine and even photograph the thief.

Then Joshua, via gps located the thief, informed the police who arranged a ‘sting’ and the man was arrested and the laptop was recovered.

I read of a lady in England who had her mobile stolen in a bar and her son using the application ‘Lookout’ located it and again the thief was arrested.

How incredible new technology is when my 21 month old grandson navigates through the photos stored on his mothers smart phone telling you the names of friends and family stored therein.

By way of a footnote 2 weeks after buying the 'bargain' plant it died. Now off to a car boot for more bargains MS 26.6.11

June 02, 2011 11:30

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