
Are there no limits?

July 16, 2011 20:36

It is depressing to find that the right to free speech as exemplified by the JC now includes the right to libel all the supporters of an Israeli football team in much the same way as the writer of the same blog freely libels every Jew living in Judea and Samaria who he now terms scoundrels. Obviously he fails to realize that his name calling is as much racism as anything in which the loutish minority of Betar supporters engage. So until he apologizes for the unwarranted slur I will refer to him as the racist blogger.
It is depressing that that same racist blogger feels comfortable with calling for the destruction of Israel which he now terms a "lost cause". A "lost cause" only because a majority of the country of which he is not even a citizen has rejected policies which have been shown in the past to lead to even more bloodshed. Absence any genuine sign from the Arabs that they respect Jewish sovereignty in whatever part of the Land of Israel the Jews happen to live there is no case to support a minority view, however vociferous and notwithstanding its bullying and non-democratic tactics of calling for boycotts, of withdrawing from Judea and Samaria even for the sake of pikuach nefesh the only reason for which such a withdrawal may be contemplated.
This racist's blogs exemplify the extremism of the left - "You are not entitled to any view unless it agrees with mine and if you hold an opposing view I will use any means available including non-democratic boycott to impose my view on you. Furthermore even if my views are not accepted by a majority I will not respect them but connive with countries and organizations which are anti-Israel if not anti-Semitic to impose my views on you because I know what's best and you do not." The left imposed Oslo on the country and anyone at the time who cautioned against the accords was called a "traitor" by the left - time has shown how right those "traitors" were to question the accords.
Israel is not a lost cause and the racist blogger lies when he says it is - he seems to have ideas above his station if he believe his racist squeaks on this website will have any bearing on the situation. Israel is a robust democracy with an independent judiciary and an active electorate it does not need armchair racists like him to tell it how to run its affairs.

July 16, 2011 20:36

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