Supporting a newspaper that attacked the CST on Holocaust Remembrance day for being awarded funds to protect Jewish Children in Educational Establishments says much about him.
As Alan A says on Harry's Place
Mr Freeman also intimated that the newspaper is working towards shutting its print edition down altogether.
Let me explain what this means.1. Employed journalists will be sacked and replaced with “intern” like casual and scab labour.
2. Having turned its Comment Is Free venture into a sort of Indymediaish bearpit, where members of marginal far Left political organisations, activists in Islamist political parties and assorted loopy advocacy journalists and single issue campaigners peddle their worthless ideas, for the benefit of enraged commentators who repeatedly press “refresh” in order to see what new idiocy has been posted, thus generating a high web traffic which can be used to boost advertising revenue …… the Guardian is now planning to extend the same business model to its news reporting.
A sad end for the Guardian
I certainly won't shed a tear.