
A rose by any other name

October 14, 2010 22:50

Mahmoud Abbas has made it clear that the Israelis can call themselves whatever they want.

"If the Israelis want to call themselves any name, they should address the international community and the United Nations because this is none of our business," Abbas told reporters after meeting with the President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, in Ramallah.
Abbas pointed out that the PLO had recognized Israel when the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993. "Our position is that we recognize Israel," he said. "We fully believe in the two-state solution – a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and the state of Israel, living next to each other in peace and security. This is the best option for both pe
"We must focus on hope and not failure," he declared. The PA president said that the Arab leaders who met in Libya earlier this month agreed to give the US one month to find a solution to the problem of settlement construction.

He said the Palestinians were ready to return to the direct talks as soon as Israel extends the moratorium on settlement construction. "We are ready to start the talks with the issues of borders and security," he continued. "We remain committed to the option of peace and there's no way back from it."

Nu, Bibi, the ball's back in your court. Seems the Palestinians have learned about never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

October 14, 2010 22:50

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