Family & Education

Sinai ex-head aids Lubavitch recovery

Ofsted notes improvements at Lubavitch junior boys school which was placed in special measures in 2016

January 29, 2018 15:54
Interim Lubavitch junior boys head Robert Leach
1 min read

The state-aided Lubavitch Junior Boys School in Hackney is on the road to recovery nearly two years after it was rated inadequate by inspectors and placed in special measures.

Inspectors criticised the narrowness of the curriculum and the teaching of basic skills such as reading and writing.

But standards have been rising under the direction of interim headteacher Robert Leach, Ofsted reported after a recent return visit.

The “strong and ambitious leadership” of Mr Leach, the former headteacher of Sinai Primary School, who was drafted in nearly a year ago, was “successfully transforming the culture of the school,” Ofsted said.

While there were credible plans to secure improvements, the school’s leadership recognised there was “a great deal to do to ensure that pupils receive the teaching they need to make strong progress in all subjects”.

Ofsted has lifted the bar on the school appointing newly qualified teachers.